
Nepal is a multi-ethnic society, comprising of more than 80 ethnic groups, more than 100 native languages (mother tongues), and followers of several religions including Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and faiths such as animism, shamanism and others, there are till now no reliable government statistics on ethnicity, native languages, religions and cultures. Existing statistics at CBS of the National Planning Commission are also misleading. There is no data relating to the number of accurate ethnic groups and the statistics on population distribution by religion and mother tongue are also not accurate.
Dharan is a place mostly inhibited by ethnic group such as Limbu and Rai, there are however other ethnic and non-ethnic group as well, Newar people are also in large numbers and so are Brahmin and Chetris. But again however no accurate data is available regarding ethnic and non-ethnic population numbers in Dharan.

Nepal Cultural Groups by Altitude
The two major groups in Nepalese society are Tibeto-Burmans, or Mongoloids from the north, and Indo-Aryans from the south. Many customs are inherited from both sides and have been developed by the influences of the land, climate and available resources.
The largest groups can be divided on the basis of geographical locations by altitude.

Limbu People
Limbu one of the ethnic groups of east Nepal, has its distinct culture. Limbus are not only confined within the boundary of Nepal, but are also scattered throughout the hill territory of West Bengal.
The word limbu means an archer, or bearer of bow and arrows. The Limbu peole belong to the Kirant confederation. Their ancestral and original stronghold spans from Arun River in Nepal to the Kingdom of Sikkim in the east. In Nepal, Limbus live and work in the districts of Sankhuwasabha, Tehrathum, Dhankuta, Taplejung, Panchthar and Ilam. Their scripture is called Mundhum. Fedangba, Shamba and Yewa-Yema are their priests. They celebrate the dance festivals of Kelangma popularly known Chyabrung (two-sided drum) and Yarakma (Paddy dance) as major events. Limbu have their own script called Sirijunga. There are many books written in the Limbu language. Their faith is onshrined in the evergreen Cynodondactylon (Dubo) grass the rocks. They bury their dead.

Newar People
The natives of Kathmandu, the Newars, are mainly traders. With a purpose to trade, they are scattered across the country; with greater concentration in the Kathmandu Valley, Banepa, Dhulikhel, Bhojpur, Bandipur and Tansen .

Gurung People
The specific origin of the Gurungs is not known, but they probably first came from Tibet. They are stout and strong, have thick lips, flat noses, and most of the men have little or no beard. They speak a language known as Tamu Kui, which is similar to Tibetan.

Tamang People
With a population of over a million, the Tamangs are the largest Tibeto-Burman ethnic group found in Nepal. They are also one of the oldest groups to inhabit Nepal


Gurung Woman

Newars' "Bail  Marriage"

Rais Chandi Dance

Brahmin Woman

Dharan Indigenous (Janjaati) Organizations
Yakthung Chumlung (Limbus)
Rai Yayokkha (Rais)
Tamang Ghedung (Tamangs)
Sherpa Sangh (Sherpas)
Tamu Chonchdi (Gurungs)
Magar Sangh (Magar)
Jheengu Samaj (Newar)

Sherpa People   Magar People
Solokhumbu, located at eastern hill region of Nepal, is the homeland of the Sherpas. They are known as the mountain people as they are involved in trekking.

The Magars are the inhabitants of Bar Magarat (East of Ridi) and Athar Magarant (West of Ridi). Athar Magrant consists of Bheri, Rapti and Dhaulagiri regions with Kham or Athar language and Bar Magarant consists of Tanahnu, Palpa and Gorkha districts.

Rai People   Sunuwar People
Rais belong to Kirant confederation. Since ancient times, Rais are living in the districts of Solukhumbu, Okhaldhunga, Khotang, Bhojpur and Udayapur. Rais speak many dialects of the Tibeto-Burman family.

  The origin of the Sunwar people is unknown, but it is probable that they came from the east because they look very similar to the Chinese peoples. They are rather short with a fair complexion and slanted eyes.